Departments / Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

About Department

Molecular Biology is a field of biological science that explores the composition, structure, functional mechanisms, interactions, and regulations of molecular basis, which are essential to cellular physiology. In addition, molecular biology concentrates on nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and macromolecules (proteins) that are necessary for life processes and investigates how these molecules interact and function within cells.

The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at KISSR is involved in research, education, and training to address fundamental life sciences issues and apply biological knowledge to critical challenges by preparing scientists and researchers to make a real difference in different topics such as molecular cell biology, molecular virology, and biotechnology.


The department's primery mission is to perform research that enhances our understanding of practical aspects in the field of molecular genetics. The department is dedicated to educating students and new graduates about challenges in molecular life sciences and offers training in an inclusive and friendly atmosphere. Our goal is also to provide a research environment that encourages and develops research and education in molecular/cellular biology, genetics and biomedical sciences.


The scientific vision of the department is to establish itself as a pioneer in the fields of molecular biology and genetics and to facilitate the recruitment of academic staff to engage in research projects.


Department Extra Information:
Members 0
Labs 0