Departments / Department of Information Technology

Department of Information Technology

About Department

The department of Information Technology conducts education and research in various research areas related to electrical engineering, control system and computer science. The aim of this department is to provide high-quality academic research projects in the field of Control Systems, Industrial Automation, Electronics and Computer Aided Engineering.

The department houses dedicated laboratories of robotics and automation systems that provide equipment both for research and teaching purposes, and technical workshop for repairing hardware and running software in the institution. 


To advance knowledge and innovation through high quality research and education in electrical engineering, control systems and computer science, supporting both fundamental and applied research that addresses real world challenges. We are committed to ensure reliable and secure digital services that foster connectivity within the organization


To be at the forefront of interdisciplinary research and education, driving in control systems, automation and engineering sciences. We aim to foster a collaborative environment where innovation thrives, empowering researchers, educators and industry to transform technology and enrich society, while providing a secure digital infrastructure that support effective communication and collaboration across the organization. 


Department Extra Information:
Members 0
Labs 0